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Mystery School

Woven within each of us is a unique Divine Blueprint, our task is to simply soften, trust  and unfurl to the wisdom held within. A Mystery School is the Sacred playground to get to know the threads and weaving's of who you are Becoming.


The name given to the Mystery School - the Path of the Lotus - recognises the Rebirth and Regeneration that we go through over and over as we integrate and embody more of our Divine Blueprint. Coming closer to Divine wholeness, bridging the worlds of the Heavens and Earth and walking Sacred steps along the path of living.


The Etheric temples of the Mystery School invite you to cross the threshold into their inner Sanctum, to come into the holy lands within you and discover what is lying dormant, awaiting attunement and activation.


The Path of the Lotus Mystery School offers you the Space and Creative webbing to Unlock your Birthright from the Divinity already within you.



What awaits you within the Path of the Lotus Mystery School:


  • Ancient Healing techniques that you can use for yourself & others

  • Sacred Ceremony & Ritual

  • Tracking and Feeling the Solar, Lunar and Celestial Calendars

  • Guidance of how to implement Sacredness & Divinity into your daily living

  • Wisdom Teachings & Universal Laws

  • Get to know the Neteru - the Egyptian Pantheon of gods & goddesses that represent archetypal energies of nature and the cosmos

  • Learn how the Neteru energies show up to teach, guide and support you

  • Travel multi-dimensionally to Sacred Sites around the world through guided vision journeys 

  • Discover Shamanism and how it is your anchor to Ascension

  • Discover and harness your unique gifts and abilities 

  • Receive Activations to awaken your dormant Celestial DNA

  • Learn your Ren - your Sacred Name(s)

  • Receive Sound healing 

  • Decode symbols & hieroglyphs that contain wisdom & magic

  • Begin to see the depths and heights of your reality

  • Learn how to enter, explore and build your inner landscape - your entryway into your inner realms where you Wisdom & Divinity lay dormant

  • Work with plant spirits

  • Explore ancient civilisations and their traditions to unlock the keys to our own path forward as a humanity.


The Path of the Lotus Mystery School promises to awaken you to the inner mastery that will herald great change for you and the world around you. Learning directly from Source as expressions of our ancestors, ascended ones and wise beloved guides you will birth the version of yourself that is capable of Being all that you know you truly are. 


Accreditation will be gifted to those who walk the Path of the Lotus, meaning after your personal phase of embodiment you are able to use the practices, tools and wisdom learned in the Mystery School within your own Sacred Offerings to others as well as for yourself.



For more information about the journey through the Seven Gates of the Mystery School you can read the Introduction brochure or listen to a recording via the links below

Mystery School Journey

Enrolment for the Mystery School closes on 25th September to allow time for your preparation parcel to be sent to you and for our Soul energies to align.


Mystery School gatherings begin on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 and complete on Wednesday 30th April 2025.


The training consists of:​

  • A monthly online gathering where you will learn and receive attunement & activation

  • A monthly online sharing circle

  • Two Personal Ceremonies that will be themed to the learning with supporting guided journeys, practices and instructions.

  • additional online integration journeys 

  • An online Who You are Becoming Initiation Ceremony to complete your journey


When you enrol you will be sent a parcel containing sacred tools, plant spirits and a personal gift that will aid and support your journey along the Path of the Lotus.


When you have completed the enrolment process you will receive a Mystery School Syllabus pdf  to read through to help you prepare for the Sacred journey ahead.


What you will need:


  • You will require a space where you will not be disturbed for our online gatherings that has enough room for you to be seated, lying down and sometimes standing and moving.

  • Ensure your space is prepared ready for our gatherings.

  • Have a journal with you for each gathering

  • Have your plant spirits prepared ready for the gatherings (instructions will be sent)

  • You may wish to purchase Seven crystals that you can use to infuse with the energy of each of the Seven Initiations we work through.​

Dates & Timings:


Online gatherings will always be held on Wednesday mornings 10am - 12pm BST

​​All online gatherings will be recorded and sent to you.​


Personal Ceremonies are asked to be held each designated Wednesday to maintain the flow of the energy of our group growth.


All Practices held at home privately will be supported by recordings and documents that will be sent to you ahead of time. The personal ceremonies are an integral ingredient to your journey.

Support & Community:


All initiates will be invited to join a WhatsApp group for additional support and for enquiry. This group will also be used to share our personal ceremony experiences and be witnessed through the Divine work we do.


Gemma will be available to you throughout the entire journey for any questions, additional support or guidance you may need.

How to Enroll:


If you are interested in enrolling into the Mystery School the first step is to fill in the form via the button below. 


​​​​​Once your form is received you will hear from Gemma to finalise your enrolment and receive the required information for your chosen energy exchange.


Energy exchange options are as follows:


  • Full payment of £777

  • Monthly instalments of £111


An initial £50 deposit is required to secure your space as the Mystery School is only open to a certain number of Initiates.


If you have any questions please email me here...

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