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Embark on the Path of the Lotus

Your entry into the Mystery School begins here...


This form is intended to allow you to speak from the Heart, and from the Soul. May the insights you share be the keys to unlock your journey.


I invite you to take a breath, centre into your Heart space and tune in to your Soul and allow the answers here to flow from the Divine well within you...

How would you describe your current place and awareness of your spiritual journey? 

Would you like to set some personal intentions for your journey? Perhaps ideas you wish to see begin to bloom for your future...

Who are you?


How do you see yourself in the roles of your life - family, social life, work, health etc. What changes are you seeking within these roles?


Take note of what rises for you as you answer these questions from your Heart & Soul...

What drew you to the Path of the Lotus Mystery School? 

If you haven't done so already, would you like to talk with Gemma before confirming your place?

please select an option

How would you like to make your energy exchange after your confirmation deposit?

please select an option

Thanks for submitting your form I will be in touch with you soon, Gemma x

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