It is within my knowledge and experience that our path is one of highs and lows. Some souls that have communicated with me through the readings I do have explained the path to me as a spiral approach, or the spiral staircase of life meaning that we circle back around to certain experiences to continue our path of growth but each time we have levelled up or reached another floor of the staircase. This gives us experience to use moving forward.
Recently, whilst feeling at one of the lows of my path I was met with a feeling of disconnect, and a complete rethinking of all I knew to be true in terms of my spiritual work was needed. Now as the spiral approach shows us, this is a learning experience, if we pause, take a moment to evaluate our position and make a heart felt decision of how to respond we can continue up the spiral staircase of life. One tool I have always used when reaching one of these moments is to go back to the beginning, I don't mean turn around and climb back down to the bottom of the spiral, more I mean to reevaluate all I have learned so far, go back to the beginning of the part of the path I am on and look at it now from a higher perspective; much like you would do if you stood and looked down over the stair banister, you would see the floor below you and how far up the staircase you have come. you would be reminded of your achievements and touch on memories of how you got to where you are now.
The beginning I had to return to was one of soul growth, higher self understanding and inner child/shadow work. I had to stay where I was but pause and spend a moment with my current level of knowledge to see what more needing reshaping or piecing back together slightly differently. I had temporarily lost the ability to understand myself, this was triggered by a situation that took me back to my childhood, and brought with it all kinds of uncomfortable emotions. I was questioning what my soul actually was, as although there is a deep knowing within me, I had been rattled and doubted myself. This is when I was joined by Archangel Mary, and received the following beautiful message....
Archangel Mary
Inner Child: Your potential. Your blueprint. At least the blueprint laid out at birth. Trauma impacts the inner child and the blueprint and shapes who you are. The blueprint will make changes for these traumas so healing the inner child returns you to your potential.
Higher Self: Who You Are. Who you are aiming to become. The Observer, the one the soul works through. As you clear your traumas from this life and past lives you clear the vessel, the higher self, becoming the best you can be for your soul to work through, integration of soul living.
Soul: Eternal. Your Essence. The animating, driving force that is you, or a part of you. The part of you that is consciousness. As you become clearer in your self, become more your higher self, the soul has a clearer channel to work through as do all beings that you can communicate with.
Any clearing that takes place will be guided by your soul, shown to you only when you are ready to address it.
This message gave me the reminder I needed, it gave me reassurance, comfort and strength to continue on the journey step by step. I hope that by sharing this message with you, you find some comfort or guidance in the beautiful message Archangel Mary gave to us.
With love,
Gemma x