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Writer's pictureGemma Jones

Embody Your Celestial Aspects with Isis & Seshat

At this potent time of year we open to receive celestial energies that pour in from Sirius which is often referred to as our spiritual sun. A star system that has been closely connected to Earth for more eras than we can imagine. Even being likened as a Sister sun or star.

Its relevance to the time of year is its heliacal rising, this is when the star rises above the eastern horizon over the Sacred lands of Egypt. This celestial portal has deep connection and  relevance to Ancient Egypt, of which its heliacal rising takes place on 1st August. The ancients saw this as the beginning of the agricultural year as the undulation of the Nile river would follow the rising of Sirius.

Sirius rises at different times depending on your location, if you check a star map or app you can see the times and locations of the rising of Sirius in Egypt and your own location. In England (50n ) this takes place on August 20th -21st.

Once, many millennia ago this would have led on to the alignment of the 3 stars of Orion's belt - Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka aligning with the three pyramids of the Gizeh complex in the ancient skies and the peak of the lions gate portal  which acts as a threshold or bridge for the energies that pour in to Earth from her sister spiritual sun-star.

Sirius is known in the sky as the constellation Canis Major or the Dog Star, seen as the loyal companion of Orion, what many may not know is that Sirius to the Egyptians was known as the celestial aspect of Isis - who was named Sothis (Greek) or Sodpet.

Sothis/Sodpet mirrors the story of Isis as she follows her beloved Orion - the celestial aspect of Osiris - through the sky. Her heliacal rising as the celestial aspect tells the tale of Isis returning from the underworld of which she follows her beloved Osiris for 70 days which is the same as the time Sirius is invisible in the sky.

There is a third star that is visible at this time of year - Procyon - which is said to be the celestial aspect of Nephthys, Isis’ twin sister and the mother of Anubis. The Canis Minor constellation is often referred to as the Teumessian fox, a vixen that tales are told of as uncatchable, unreachable, perhaps even interpreted as hidden or veiled, just like Nephthys.

Procyon is the brightest star within the Canis Minor constellation, north east of Sirius. Along with the star Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation, the three make up what is known as the Winter Triangle and mirror the complex yet wise relationship of Isis, Nephthys, Osiris and Anubis.

Each of the Neteru hold such wisdom in their stories as well as their qualities, we can learn so much each time we are blessed by their presence. Osiris and Isis open us to the learning that comes from all of the Neteru. Their story speaks of death and rebirth, Sacred union, devotion, and much much more. Following the journey of their celestial aspects and feeling the wisdom they offer is an endless and timeless journey - much like theirs through the heavens above us that we are blessed to be witnessed by at this time of year.

Osiris imbues the energy of resurrection and regeneration - his story tells us of an abundant king that cared for his people and tended the lands. His envious brother Set kills him because his wife, Nephthys tricked Osiris who believed her to be Isis and fell pregnant with his first born son - Anubis. Osiris is resurrected by Isis but Set finds out and kills Osiris again, this time dismembering him into 14 pieces so that Isis cannot bring him back to life again. Yet she does, with the help of Nephthys and Anubis, finding all parts of Osiris but one and using magic, Isis able to re-member him, leading to the immaculate conception of their son Horus the younger.

Isis imbues the energy of a loving and compassionate Queen - Mother, the hieroglyph for her name is a throne showing that Isis is the embodiment of wholeness. When Nephthys gave birth to Anubis she hid the babe in papyrus reeds knowing Set would harm the child. Isis found out, went to get  Anubis and raised him as her own. Isis is as a Divine mother may appear - carer, nurturer, healer, weaver, she has instinctual knowing, making her a safe space to be within and to learn and grow into who you are. Her keen intuitive qualities and unwavering compassion led to Anubis being raised as her own and the Re-membering of Osiris.

She flies through the sky above us as her celestial aspect Sothis-Sodpet-Sirius shining her Spiritual Sun rays down upon us with the celestial aspects of Nephthys and Anubis nearby reminding us that the Egyptians were masters of metaphor and reflection - the story written in the stars is about more than the characters, they are reminding us to connect with the aspects of them within ourselves. 

The sky holds a never ending story of returning year after year to learn and remember who we are, each time the celestial beings return and shine down on us, we are a different version of ourselves. We have shed what no longer serves, gained wisdom and acquired skills. Sometimes we may feel that we have not changed, that perhaps it feels quite the opposite and we have stayed in a state of stagnation in our lives. 

When Isis rises as Sodpet we are reminded that the work we do within - in the depths of our inner world - or underworld, sometimes takes time. On the surface we may feel as though we are stagnating or even moving backwards, yet our Soul - which we could see or connect to our own celestial aspect - has been travelling through the darkness of our inner void space moving perpetually towards the horizon to rise once more.

As the personality/human aspect we must remember to stay anchored into the physicality of our Being so that when our Soul rises we are able to integrate and embody the gifts we come home to through our Divine Remembering.

Those gifts are more accessible than they have been in many aeons of time. The Sirius portal and Lion's Gate 2024 have been wide open for the celestial in-pouring. It is very important to remember that the dates spoken of as the spiritual events of Sirius - Isis heliacal rising and the Lion's Gate are the peak times of those energetic interactions and have been carried through time yet stay connected to the times and risings over the Sacred Heart/Home lands of Egypt. 

Isis rises over the horizon today from the UK, her energies are still very much present and her call to you to remember more of who you are is still strong. These energies can be tapped into most potently at this time of year, but also at any time of the year that you feel an urge to remember and embody more of who you are. 

Returning to the story in the sky, we can look to the journey of Osiris/Orion, who is travelling  towards the west - into the underworld - where the night sky swallows the sun - the place of darkness, and the unknown. Yet also towards the constellation of Taurus, home of the Seven Sisters - Plaiedes -  in the belly of the Sacred Cow in the sky - the celestial aspect of Hathor. 

Yet as we can feel, it has not been Hathor who has spoken this year, instead she opened her celestial mouth inviting us into her as the container for us to receive the light of the Seven Suns - or stars which have shone through in the form of Seshat - who is also known as Sefhet which means seven. 

Seven was a very important number to the Egyptians, it represents spirit in matter as well as growth and union. It reflects wisdom of the seven physical chakras, seven days of genesis and even the seven rays which represent the qualities of personality within us, as spoken of throughout occult and esoteric teachings.

Seshat’s crown and hieroglyph of her name is a seven petalled flower or star with seven rays emanating from it connected to the column that pours into her crown or head encased in a downward container or cauldron


At the chapel of Osiris at Karnak are the Seven Gates of which Seshat is standing to the right of. Behind the Seven Gates on the other side of the same wall within the chapel you can see the Seven Keys - It is possible to say that Osiris was travelling into the light of the celestial Hathors - Seshat's seven stars, and into the underworld of the sky, opening himself each time as he crossed a gateway and gained a key to Cosmic wisdom? And is it even further possible to say that we can now see the reflection of this journey in our own lives?

We work with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our seven chakras to evoke healing in ourselves and our lives. Through this journey we become as Osiris, walking into the parts of ourselves and our lives that we would rather not face, yet we know that within this unknown darkness there lies the key to our harmony and healing. We bravely walk into the unknown just as Osiris does above us in the night sky. Swallowed by the unknown ready for what no longer serves us to drop away so that we may soon rise again.

Seshat along with Ma’at is consort or wife to Thoth, sharing qualities with him such as Sacred scribe, wise teacher, and master of astronomy and astrology and architecture. 

Seshat can be seen at many Sacred sites across Egypt, imploring the design and creation of the temple standing upon the remains of the one that stood before. Seshat was said to have used a stone of the previous temple remains and placed it within the foundations of the newer temple reflecting the concept of rebuilding anew upon the working structure of the old. Much how we would feel a change in who we are becoming but would not be that person without all we have been. An honouring of all we go through to get where we are.

Seshat is a celestial aspect - all of the design that she creates is within the ether - or akasha - she pours down the light of the seven stars and it enters our fields and body’s like coded stardust. As we venture into her territory we connect with our own celestial Soul aspects that are written and stored within our etheric fields - akasha - or Soul Star. For me, this is who she is appearing as strongly at this time - the celestial aspect and reflection of our very own Soul Star, the chakra we can work with to encode and remember who we are. 

Seshat and the Soul Star contain every recorded memory of our Soul. The Akashic records are familiar to many as the storehouse of our story, if the Akashic records were a library of Earthly records, Seshat through our Soul Star would enable us to access records beyond earthly existences, across different dimensional frequencies such as the halls said to reside below the Sphinx. 

She therefore can be seen as holding Seven keys within her crown (Soul Star) that offer us gateways to Soul Aspects we can reclaim, remember, embody and integrate assisting us to ascend - or grow our golden wings of wholeness. 

So here we stand at this potent time, receiving not only cosmic codes, but wisdom of the ancients that lives eternally within us and above us in the sky. As Sirius sits on the eastern horizon ready to rise once more we can tune into both the earthly and celestial aspects of the story the sky is telling us, and ask what it is we are personally being coded or assisted with. 

Our ancestors knew the importance of seeing what is outside of us as a reflection of what is inside of us. And rightly so, for what good is all the spiritual knowledge we accrue if we do not know how to learn from around us and find it within ourselves. 

Seshat is here accompanying Isis-Sothis standing either side of us as we tap into the energy of our celestial selves and Rise as the Soul Star that we are, remembering our Divine potential, taking the lost fragments of ourselves back into our hearts to embody them for eternity. 

Can you and have you spent time to tune in to yourself, into your Soul and the Divine aspects of you? Are you able to feel what it is that has arrived to be embodied and remembered from the depths of your Being? 

The delivery of our remembrance throughout this potent portal has been like showers of stardust, off and on, in waves that subtly land upon our fields and body and melt into our energy like tiny keys awakening our deepest DNA strands which happen to be the ones filled with the most celestial memory. 

The down pourings have come in many ways to ensure they reach who and where they need to. 

You can imagine yourself standing facing the horizon, awaiting Isis as she rises as Sirius/sodpet in the sky and feel the stardust penetrate into you.

As you do this, ask for the awakening of your celestial aspects and Divine remembering to take place.

Offer love and gratitude to the Earth for holding and anchoring you and allow the frequencies to run through you, filling each and every space within you, and on into the Earth.

See Seshat with her seven pointed star within her celestial cauldron pouring down upon you and ask to receive. 

Take some time to journal your experience.

The Mystery School that begins on Wednesday 2nd October will teach you more about the Neteru - their energies, earthly and celestial aspects and how to find and work within them within yourself. Empowering and equipping you with tools and wisdom that will help you to bring about great change in your life and in the world.

Find out more here...

Soul Star Blessings to you,

Gemma x

Image: Sothis from the Anubis Oracle by Nicki Scully & Linda Star Wolf, art by Kris Waldherr

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