A Sacred Journey
Today's message flows in from a space between spaces, as we feel into the dovetailing energies of the equinox portal and eclipse portal. I have been guided to share this as my newsletter also to ensure it reaches all who may need to be held by the Neteru who speak through me in this Sacred message.
Settle into your body and take a Sacred breath...
I invite you to take this as a Sacred Practice, to use it as a time to step into the space between spaces for evaluation and re-calibration.
Ask yourself:
What is that I desire?
What is it that I am currently facing?
What or who can assist my outcome?
Take a moment to journal with the questions above if you feel called to.
Now as you read the following musings and insights take them into your heart and apply the space between the words to your own stories....
Ma'at - Air - Libra
In my dreams last night I saw Ma’at, she held her golden scales in her hand and asked me if I wish to be weighed and measured. I did. At my telepathic response she grew and expanded into her radiant self, as expansive as the universe so that all that was left was to feel her.
The scales grew with her so they were now a size for me to step upon, as I stepped I drifted deeper into sleep and deeper into Ma’at and my dream shifted into a warped scenario of life’s current reality.
In the morning when I took my time for aligning and connecting in I felt drawn to the book of shadows tarot and Ma’at jumped out along with a similar looking man to who appeared in my dream. The card with the man was Lammas - or in traditional tarot - death.
All of the cards had jumped out, each held one of my divine numbers, three had a sun or moon on them and all told a tale reflecting my dream and the transformation ahead.
Nekhbet - Earth - Virgo
Nekhbet was present throughout most of September, she is the vulture goddess who guards the Soul as they enter the most inner Sanctum of the temple, or their own temple (body). She is the Earth goddess who holds a high bar for you to check yourself to.
If Nekhbet appears as your gatekeeper, she sees you as an initiate who is ready for the next Great Round, but she asks you not to fear her, instead to respect yourself as she does and step bravely into the version of you that awaits within your most inner Sanctum.
Nekhbet came in her form as crone energy or wise elder Feminine Oracle, she embodied into us and allowed us to amplify our Sacred Vessel and enhance our inner knowing - the gnosis - the deep wise wisdom of the body (our Earth goddess) that knows all.
She guided us to the portal gate that took us into the realms of Ma'at at the Autumn Equinox, she equipped us with all we needed to see, feel and experience as we await a transformational Rebirth.
Watery Rebirth - Scoprio - Bast/Heket
I came down the stairs multiple mornings this week to find frogs indoors. One morning in particular there were five frogs in my front room. My cat Chip had decided to bring them all in for us. One of the frogs had obviously taken the experience worse than the others as when I picked them up they weren't moving. I placed them near our pond hoping it was just shock and sent prayers and offers of holding and healing for his recovery or transition - they chose the latter after entering the waters.
The rains have been washing us clean, calling the frog goddess Heket. She, who is said to have been birthed from the primordial waters of the Nile spring near Elephantine Island. The home and workshop of her consort Khnum - the one who crafts the human Sacred Vessel from the clay of the Nile bed and infuses the Ka (Soul) essence into the reshaped and reformed human.
Heket also appears for me as the midwife, much like Bastet (or Bast) who walks with us through the Birth Canal from one space to another - from one form into another - from one dimension to another. From the ashes and rubble, from the primordial waters.
A Rebirth.
A New Reign of Fire - Sekhmet - Sagittarius
Whilst Ma'at can offer us the easiest way to feel that the Neteru are consciousness that we can embody, Sekhmet speaks to us in her potent personified form. She is palpable and has been present, holding the hand of those who need her. She has been speaking to many, looking deep into their eyes, into their heart and seeing that they are Ready to Rise.
Sekhmet is the fire that breathes compassion into all situations, she shows us that we do not need to enter the competitive energies of an eye for an eye, she tells us that blame is merely a reflection of our own fears.
Sekhmet is speaking to our Divine Masculine energy at this time. Whilst Nekhbet and Ma'at hold the newly risen Divine Feminine, Sekhmet is guiding the way for our Divine Masculine.
Compassion is learned, healing is gained and chaos is often the playground in which we are taught with Sekhmet. The time is now to feel her flame and allow the Divine Masculine within to place all fears and outdated ways into it to be burned away.
Alchemy Transforms the Heart-Mind Relationship
The entire year has taken us on a journey through the body of the Dragon, and as the year begins to come to a close we will feel the inner and outer alignment that was the Sacred Offering of 2024.
On Wednesday 2nd October we will feel (and possibly see) the annular Solar Eclipse. This is a potent opportunity to step into Higher Love & Wisdom. Held by Ma'at (Libra) the energies of the Sun and the Moon come together to form a "Ring of Fire" eclipse. With this eclipse Ma'at offers us the opportunity to be weighed and measured. To feel the new version of ourselves that has broken into pieces and is now coming back together through the inner forging of the Sacred Elements within us.
The Sun (Ra) emanating through the Moon (Khonsu) will show us a flashback of our journey so far, feeling the Light within, showing us the many faces and phases we have grown through. Reminding us of the path we are on, showing us how far we have come and embedding the courage and confidence in who we have Become, and continue to Become.
Ma'at reminds us of the "Principles of Being Human" that upon her Sacred Cosmic Scales both light and dark create harmony. Cosmic order is birthed from Chaos, and all of the pieces and experiences that we have had were Divinely placed to guide us.
Come back to your questions now...
Below is a guided journey to meet Ma'at and feel her 42 Ideals, you may wish to take your questions into the space within the space offered here and feel all that comes to you.
You may also wish to finish reading all that is on offer here before listening - especially if you have felt the Divine Masculine reconfiguration that is happening in and around us.
Divine Masculine Fire
From the arms of Ma’at I invite you further, if the strengthening of the Divine Masculine resonates I offer you seeds of potential Wisdom.
View the annular solar eclipse as an opportunity to re-balance the masculine within you.
Many masculine structures and systems are being shattered and rebuilt as a reflection of the inner work that is being done by many.
Remember that the Divine Masculine lives within us all, women who can channel balanced masculine energy are becoming great role models and this is also a reflection of the dance the Divine Masculine and Feminine hold one another in. As one dives to heal and transform the other takes the reins.
Tuning in to the energy of Ra the Solar god and asking him to guide you to where your Masculine energy needs attention and shining a light on it will bring your scales of inner harmony into alignment with your unique balance.
Tuning into the energy of Khonsu will assist you to see all sides of a situation, especially the reflection which shows your own behaviour, Khonsu highlights the shadows in and around you and teaches you to feast on them so they go away happy and less likely to return.
As an aspect of Thoth, Khonsu also guides you towards higher wisdom.
Ask your inner masculine how this feels, is he able to face the scales of Ma’at and lean into an unknown outcome or will he continue to uphold outdated patterns.
The Divine Masculine blueprint is receiving a major upgrade so be prepared for discomfort and disorder and lean more into allowing yourself to surrender to it and let go.
Avoid being reactive to any situations that you feel are there to challenge you. Temper your inner fire and save the blaze for the moment you have swallowed, digested, absorbed and assimilated the situation and all related feelings.
If you train yourself to do this, you enter into the realm of the Elder Masculine, the Wizard, or Shaman High Priest to the Feminines Crone.
He has risen to meet her. He is ready to take their Sacred Relationship to the Divine that it is.
October looks to be a time of great transformation, Venus is the ruling planet of Libra and so relationship with others as well as how you relate to the world around you will be shaken in order to awaken you as you step into the Ring of Fire to Transmute Yourself into the New.
I Honour You and the Work You Are Doing to Better Yourself, Our Planet, Our Cosmos and All Beings Within the Great Belly of Our Existence
With Love, Gemma x
I invite you to share your own story in the comments below, what has been moving for you that you have grown from? Can you feel the Rebirth?