Today I offer you a space to allow the process of deep integration.
As we come into the closing times of the Dragon year after a potent deliverance of cosmic energy we are being invited into "the belly of the dragon/mother/earth" to connect into the deep and wise elements of ourselves that have been rebuilding and restructuring the energetic foundations of who we are, strengthening us through chaotic yet transformational processes in our lives.
The recording gives more wisdom of what I am feeling to offer you, followed by drumming with the Heart and sounds to allow the integration from the Venus attuned gong and Earth "light" language.
I ADVISE USING A SPEAKER OR HEADPHONES to fully receive the sounds of the gong.
Here are images of the cards and tools spoken of in the recording to allow you to visualise the energies supporting your integration:
Let me know how this felt for you in the comments below.
With love,
Gemma x
That is really powerful - I feel centred and calm - Thank you
This was just what I needed on this wet, late August day, thank you Gemma!