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Writer's pictureGemma Jones

Munay Ki - from my perspective

Today I want to share with you the story of Munay Ki. This is sometimes difficult to put into words for its subtlety is deliberate yet I was given a nudge by Gaia to share this wonderful journey from an experience persprective rather than through the traditional way of keeping closely to the Munay Ki information.

Whilst writing I was met with a feeling that I need to speak about them too, so you will also find my very raw and badly edited video here where I hopefully do the Munay Ki justice.

I hope you enjoy hearing about them, in much Munay, Gemma x

Munay Ki is not something to be pushed onto others so I must clearly state now that in no way is this my intention. Instead I only wish to share with you its magic, power and relevance at this exciting time as since receiving my Rites I have felt their magic support me.

The Qero shamans of Peru are the descendants of the Laika, these were the medicine people that crossed the bearing straights some 30,000 years ago. The Laika lived in a time where accessing the spirit realms was done with ease but this was due to the way they lived their lives; Through personal discipline and dedication the Laika created such a high frequency living that they were known to own the bodies of angels. This to us would be the same as our energy fields and bodies being crystalline and glowing. They were unified with themselves, the Earth, the animal, mineral and plant kingdoms and of course with the higher realms.

During this time the energy transmissions which we now know as the Munay Ki Rites were created and preserved for use in raising the frequency of the the planet and all her children if ever the time should come that they were needed. Perhaps with their unity consciousness the Laika knew this time would come.

At this time that we are living through we are being faced with much confusion, chaos and uncertainty. This phase began around 2012 when the end of the Piscean age came and the transition to the Aquarian age began. Preempting this transitional phase through the rainbow, Hopi and Mayan Prophecies the Qero shamans received confirmation from spirit that it was time to begin sharing the Munay Ki transmissions with the entire world rather than only within the tribes and societies of South America.

Alberto Villoldo an Anthropologist and Professor has given up his lifetime professions and decided to go to the South America’s to study the ways of the shamans, after 25 years of immersing himself in the medicine ways of the Americas he was tasked with bringing the Munay Ki to the western world.

Each of the energy transmissions contains within it a seed of potential, this seed is planted into your energy field and with the right dedication and discipline from you the seed of potential can grow into a powerful frequency that you can use to better and empower yourself. -Remembering that as each of us works on ourselves we also work on the betterment and awakening of the collective and the planet - the power that the Munay Ki Rites give us is beyond imaginable.

It is to my understanding that our ancestors are of the past and the future, by entering into the higher realms or spirit world and connecting with them we can be shown the way back to who we were which is also who we are becoming. By allowing this information to penetrate your energy fields and absorb itself within we can be shown that we hold the power within ourselves to reach the utopia we are searching for. We are the ones we have been waiting for, we have just had to go through a process of separation to bring us back to the path towards unity and wholeness. The Munay Ki Rites therefore are keys that assist us in unlocking the memories within ourselves that will bring us to our highest versions, of our unity selves.

The Rites themselves are a journey. Firstly you will awaken your healing powers. This is a very powerful Rite and once embedded within you a process of healing your past, past lives and ancestral lines will begin. This may begin instantly or happen more slowly and subtly depending on your soul contracts but a shift within you will be felt.

Next you receive energetic protections within your energy field and the energies of the sacred archetypes within your physical chakras (chakras located on the body as opposed to those above, below or surrounding you). These Rites allow you to begin walking without fear in the world and install knowing that you are supported at all times.

You will then receive or reawaken the light filaments within your brain that allow your inner vision to grow or begin. This Rite lights up pathways between the third eye, Alta major and heart chakras to allow you to become responsive rather than reactive, to see or perceive the spirit worlds and to see with a higher perspective.

The next three Rites work to implement healing of your divine masculine and feminine, plus gift you stewardship of the Earth and all her children. You also become a keeper of the ancient wisdoms that have been safely kept within the halls of Amenti and the spirit worlds and protected by the Wisdom Keepers, this task is one not to be taken lightly and those who receive this wisdom see it as such an honour. You will connect with the sacred sites of the Earth and see the medicine they hold and you will connect with the Stars and the sun and learn the ways of dreaming a new world into being.

Next you will be connected to your star family, the energies that call will be placed within your chakras, it is seen that we are fragmental beings and each of us is simultaneously experiencing lives in other star systems, this Rite will bring you into a sense of unity with other fragments of your whole self. Through this regathering you will also begin anchoring yourself in the future, the great time of higher consciousness and peace.

And finally you receive the Rite of the creator, this Rite was traditionally only passed from spirit to human but at the lead up to the great cosmic moment in 2012 the elders of many tribes all received the same information that it was now time for the creator Rite to be passed from person to person; the energy of the Rite had been brought into higher consciousness within the Earth realm which is what made human to human transmission possible. This Rites honours you with stewardship of the entire universe and installs a deep connection within you to all things from the smallest grain of sand to the clusters of stars within the galaxies.

The Munay Ki also give you an insight into the traditions of the shaman. You are blessed with discovering the power of sacred space, cleansing rituals, connecting to the mountains and the Earth, the angels and archangels, the animal archetypes and so much more. The way of the shaman is one of wholeness and unity with the Earth and with the universe and you begin to clearly see that you are connected to all things so you can communicate with all things. This allows you to become a conduit for healing and for wisdom from the stars or the great spirit, the Earth or the sacred altars of the Earth and together you create magic, and as you do so you learn how to embody the practices into your life so that you walk with integrity.

The path to the fifth dimension is one that must be walked from the heart and the heart is where we can bring ourselves into a state of unity and balance with all things, Munay Ki support your journey in the form of a subtle undercurrent, they take no credit for their magic yet they empower you every step of the way.

You can read more about Munay Ki here

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