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Writer's pictureGemma Jones

Reclaim You Golden Wings

Wings represent growth and ascension, simplistically a bird takes flight showing us how wings can lift us high, touching the sky and Great Spirit. Look a little deeper into their meaning and we see many Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides are winged - the Archangels, many of the Neteru including Isis and Ma'at.

We may not be able to logically know what wings represent but there is a inner Heart knowing that lives within us all that we are Wing-ed Beings, energetically taking flight from one frequency to another through our spirals of growth, reclaiming a hue of wing colour each time, remembering our Rainbow Wings - which for me represent a state of wholeness - an inner Unity or Purity which we enter and stand aligned in our Being as a whole - Human, Soul, Spirit.

Our wings unfurl from the back of our Heart space, I often see mine like the fronds of a fern when I have undergone a growth phase, seeing them indicates a completion of some kind, not always shown as Wings but often this is a reflection from my inner world that I understand.

Many of us have been undergoing great transformation this year, perhaps feeling the need to isolate and withdraw for sometime whilst you have worked to release old and broken feathers to make way for the new wings you are growing to appear. Those powerful, Wings of Light that represent the qualities and colours of you, beginning to radiate their true hues and tones, humming to you from the deepest awakenings within you.

I have been receiving lots of information about the symbolism and Spiritual meaning of wings, even undergoing my own Wing Shedding Ritual that was instructed by some of my closest Guides - Isis and her sister Nephthys. My ritual involved letting go of many feathers I have collected over the years that all appeared at very Sacred moments in my life, along with cutting off much of my hair - I will share this story another time as it was a fascinating journey.

As I worked through my own journey I also received visualisations that I felt guided to record, they came in separately with no apparent connection at first, only a compelling feeling to record them but not share them. Something was growing that I had to trust, and at the Divinely timed moment it was made clear how they all connected and should be offered....

Reclaim Your Golden Wings with Isis & Nephthys and feel the empowerment that washes over you through this deep Sacred remembrance....

Their Sacred Offering comes in the form of a trio of transmissions

  • The first calling to your most ancient Divine Feminine memory, offering you Sacred Technology to cleanse and reclaim your own Divine Feminine frequency and that of the collective through working with Isis through your energy body and the chambers of your Womb Space.

  • Next you meet Nephthys and many of your guides that show up to support you as you undergo a cellular Activation awakening Divine codes deep within your cells.

  • In the final transmission you are greeted and guided by Isis and Nephthys as you reclaim your Golden Wings.

Golden Wings represent the Sacred Union of your energies that work through their opposing forces to to harmonise and create a portal of harmony and unity within you that instantly radiates out from your Heart.

You can revisit the transmissions whenever you feel you are completing a personal growth phase or when you feel you need to enter a deeply Sacred Space to unify and align with Cosmic energies.

By clicking the button above you will be taken to the overview pages of the transmission where you can read more about what you receive from this offering.

I wish you joy, grace and Divine remembrance as you embrace and reclaim your Golden Wings.

With love,

Gemma x

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