This message came through whilst I was sat around a fire at the top of a mountain holding hands and communicating with my own ancestors and star family. As they guided me to this meeting spot and showed me the message they told me to breathe in the spirit of love and to let it fill every cell.
They wish to relay this message as a group for the message is one of unity and sacred bond. They wish to tell you that all will be well. Begin message....
To understand the importance of relationships is to understand the importance of one another. To see that what happens to one happens to all. To know that you are not alone in any aspect of your life, that someone, your family be it star or Earth is always with you.
Relationships are being tested at this time, clearing the ones that no longer serve is the easy part. It is working to strengthen the ones that are to be taken forward that test us the most. This brings emotions to the surface and highlights shadows to be cleared – your own and those of others. And if this wasn’t enough there are also ancestors stepping forward to clear their shadows through you.
Your sacred practice is vital at this time, and also plays a huge part of the test, for if you can stay calm and centred as the whirlwinds surround you, you will greatly lessen the storm.
Call to the ancestors of past and future, ask them to show you all that needs working on. Allow yourself to become a conduit for their release but ensure that you do not take on these energies as they pass through you. Cleanse your fields and your sacred spaces, cleanse your homes and especially your pillow for release will also happen during dream time. Do so with any of your trusted tools and rituals – music, sage, dragons, crystal friends or flames.
Then call to the star brothers and sisters, ask them to guide you through any release needed to further your galactic connections. Allow time to familiarise with their energies for they may be new to you. Set your mind the task of following your intuition to a star system that calls to you and state your readiness to connect and receive. Trust dear one, as always trust that what is needed for your highest good will come when it is meant to.
Feed yourself with fire, with light. Allow the light to enter your being, watch as it transmutes all that no longer fills your highest potential. Then watch as it fills the space with light, crystalline light that sparkles and shines raising you closer to the level of angels.
Then rest my child for you have worked so very hard to remove relationships that do not aid you and even harder to better the sacred relationships that will stay and serve you. Rest. Rest physically, rest emotionally, rest mentally and mostly allow rest for the soul.
The work is not done yet dear child, for now as the beacon of light and unity that you are your task is to show the way forward for those within your sacred relationships. This is not a set procedure and this does not require planned words. This requires you to see that all you have worked through has been a lesson and wisdom gained. When the times come, which they will, you will need to apply the wisdom, remember the lessons and lead by example.
As all of this sacred work is carried out honour too the sacred relationship within you – your divine masculine and feminine. Honour the qualities within you, both the ones in balance and those needing care and attention. Honour them with love and with gratitude, honour the aspects of you they relate to and show you, for this is where the most important relationship of all will be revealed; the relationship with yourself. Love yourself dear child, as you love those around you, love yourself even though your ego tells you not to. Show your ego that love is impenetrable and show your ego that it can step down to let the love in.
This then leads you back to where you began, the balance of love from your great mother earth and your great father in the sky, remember my child that all is love, all is relationship and all is available within, remember that by simply breathing you breathe in the great spirit and remember that by simply being you embody the earth and spirit within you.
Rest now dear one as much has been bestowed upon you. Trust that these words are for love and for growth. Allow them to sink in so deep they get lost, and on their journey back to you they cleanse and lighten each and every facet of your being and bring you into wholeness.