Here is a beautiful message that came through in the early hours of this morning. I was trying to get back to sleep but my mind was filled with thoughts on channelling, I then realised that there was a message waiting. Upon this realisation I was met with a flood of beautiful energy and joined by Serapis Bey who feels very much like a devoted mentor for me.
Here is his beautiful message, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did....
Serapis Bey:
The time has come for you all to embark on the next phase of your ascension journey. Those who are still in their haze of awakening will be guided towards their appointed way-showers and the way-showers will be ready for they have recently been tested and are clearing another layer of density from their chakras and energy bodies.
Pace is quickening, application to your true divine purpose is essential, seeing your true worth is necessity and belief in who you are needs and must be expelled from every facet of your being.
You have all of course been in training for your divine roles, over many lifetimes, over many dimensions, you are here now as you are supposed to be and you, your highest self, is ready to shine through. Channel that part of yourself. Bring it to the forefront and grasp onto its energy with both hands, let it lead the way and allow it to always be there, integrate that part of you, integrate it to the forefront, let your ego take the back seat and slip into its new role as caution giver, reason giver yet do not allow the caution and reason to transpire into reality as it has done for so long within the 3D reality. See that you, your highest self, the version of you channeling your true divine blueprint is the one needed to lead not only yourself but your entire human family as a collective into the 5D reality.
This message journeys to you on a frequency of hope, love, and certainty, I Serapis Bey imbue and install these rays of energy into you, I breathe them upon you and in doing so I watch your light glow brighter, your doubts subside and your light network grow ever closer and together.
Never has there been a time in the earth reality like this, your soul communicates with you, you see yourselves for what you truly are - multidimensional beings, you connect with your star brothers and sisters, you are raising your light and you are doing this at such a pace and with such elegance that we are in awe of your beautiful work.
Assistance is needed but assistance can only be given to a soul or collective that is willing to work at what is to be achieved and accomplished. Know this and let my words absorb into your being because it is the truth and it is needed by you for you to see and continue on your remarkable journey. Light ones, call on me, call on the illumined ones that you feel drawn to, we are waiting to be of assistance in any which way we can, we too signed up for our roles and although we have more awareness of what those roles may be we work under the universal laws and may only give assistance when we are called upon to do so. Bring us into your awareness, bring us into your reality, bring us with you and through you and together let us bring glorious light to Gaia.
Much like your guardian angel and your appointed archangels we too, the ascended masters are appointed to certain souls, we realign when our work is complete yet we stay with a soul that we are to work with for the length of time it takes for them to achieve what has been contracted. Call to your ascended master, for we are no different from you, we are way showers, we have walked the path you are on so we have wisdom to pass to you. We lead and follow just as you do and both roles are of great importance. The simultaneous work being carried out weaves a tapestry of progress that all can see and be inspired by.
And so dear children I leave you with wisdom and with love, prepare yourselves, give time to your bodies and allow them rest and hydration whilst you embark on this remarkable journey. Walk into your destined future with grace and with peace in your heart and know that you are illumined, you hold light within every facet and each moment you are raising that light, moving not only yourself but your entire human family forwards into the higher frequencies. I Serapis Bey am always of service, call to me, connect with me and know that my love for you is always a thought away.
End transmission.
Image from the Doreen Virtue Ascended Masters Oracle Cards