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Writer's pictureGemma Jones

Some Insights & Tips on Breaking Outdated Habits & Challenging Situations You are Navigating

One of the biggest outdated programs coming up for me this year has got to be about how others perceive us. This is an internal battle that I'm sure so many of us can relate to and it is a deeply threaded programming that can throw us off in many situations. We can hold ourselves back from our destiny because of worrying about how we are perceived. It's a huge program we could all do with breaking out of, I believe we are working on it.

When we truly accept ourselves we shed all expectations.

We make choices from the heart - in flow and trusting our inner compass, rather than from the mind - analysing and cross checking every detail, needing the answer to feel safe.

This is coming up in many shapes and forms because we are collectively bringing awareness to Polarity and Separation which is a good thing, but remember that the goal is Unity - within & without - bringing those polarities into harmony.

Breaking old outdated habits and patterns is actually something you manifest for yourself. Individually and in groups - it may well even be something you signed up to heal and work through for Deep Ancestral Healing, among other possibilities.

Keep in mind that we are multidimensional beings and so any creation or tool such as manifestation will be multidimensional too.

When you decide to change, and I mean really, truly, soul level choices, you resonate those changes from your core energetic Being - the universe responds.

But in order to break out of what isn't working the universe gives you the situation which contains the lesson and the end 'results' rather than taking away all of your troubles - you wouldn't learn that way would you? And you certainly wouldn't reprogram yourself.

You see, working through what may seem like your challenging times is actually shaping you and allowing you to break the old patterns. Sometimes this is very hard to see, emotions especially can cloud the bigger picture, especially when there are many people involved.

But. This is how, step by step, moment by moment, you become your higher self. You grow into who you are becoming through working through the 'tougher' times. And once you become accustomed to how you navigate these situations you learn a lot about yourself, and if you have taken this on board, you apply it to the next challenge, and before you know it, you're navigating your situations much easier.

I have a strong feeling that everything we are being faced with - our own manifestations - are signs that we are becoming much more Spiritually advanced beings. This isn't just a series of unfortunate events where we have to just accept our fate. This is how individually we break out of the veils of amnesia into the new paradigm.

There is no one way suits all, for we are all Unique Souls here to discover our Expression and Shine our Light. But if each of us shares our experiences and the tools we have used to navigate our own situations we will assist one another greatly until we reach the collective consciousness that shows us we have pushed through the veils.

So from the sometimes rosey, sometimes muddy trenches of my own situations I offer you these tools which may help you in breaking those old habits and patterns, or navigating your situations:

  • Quit meditation and start Aligning. Meditation is just one way to come into stillness, visualisation and alignment are great practices to begin when you wish to strengthen your intuition, and your channel and as you do this you develop your self awareness which helps you to become the observer. Once you can observe in this way you begin to see the old habits and programs and they become easier to break out of. Alignment is bringing your multidimensional self - to keep it simple - your Soul & personality, into harmony. Do this within your Heart space and you enter the stillness. You will find all the answers you need within this space plus learn so much about yourself.

  • Self love isn't selfish - Put yourself first. Usually the situations we create for ourselves to work through - our shadows and programs we need to break - involve others, and many times we continue our outdated habits because the external world has always told us to put others before ourselves. This is an instinctive behaviour in humans to help others, but remember you cannot give to others if you are empty yourself. Making self time important will change everything. The universe responds when you make these changes. Before you instinctively go to help someone, create a new instinct - pause for a moment- to see if you are compromising yourself for someone else. I'm not saying don't help, I'm saying, sometimes your help hinders another's growth, sometimes you deplete yourself by rushing to the rescue. Pause for a moment and calculate on the situation - does this really need your help? Do you really want to do it? Your body will tell you- if any part of you feels resistance you shouldn't go ahead with it. Pause, reflect, listen and a better, more balanced outcome will present itself.

  • Go 'radio silent' if you need to. The world can do without you for an hour, day, week. The recharging you give yourself within your silence will yield much better results, for this is an act of self love which will bring you into alignment with your highest truth, and from here you will come back into the world radiating and responding rather than reacting and feeling like your chasing your tail. Within your radio silence listen to your voice within, play out your situations and ask for a higher perspective, see the results you desire which are for the highest good for all involved and show them to the universe.

  • Stop talking about the situation and start listening. The moment you stop talking and start listening you see how much the old patterns and habits had a hold of you. We're you really hearing what the other person had to say, or has your old patterning made you interpret it to what you want to hear? If you do this and you feel 'triggered' look deeply, you'll find your solution is there.

  • Accept that the only thing you can change is You. Another thing we do as humans is try to get others to see things our way when there are 8 billion+ perspectives on this planet. By all means share how you see it, offer your view for those involved to take on board, but do not expect them to all of a sudden see it your way. If something isn't working, you can't agree, you can't get through to someone, then step back and self observe once again, then see what you can do differently that is still in alignment with your soul/higher self, and for your highest good. A solution or compromise will come.

  • Apply Compassion and Love to yourself, the situation and all those involved. Vent your frustrations and judgements, release your emotions and tears. But always come back to your heart and apply forgiveness, love and compassion to yourself and to all involved. Your human is allowed to feel those feelings, your Soul is where your truth resides so come back to your heart and allow the alignment again, this will bring through the right flow for you to move through the situation with harmony. (You may have to repeat this process a few times!)

  • Ask for Help. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You may be a very social person and this is something that comes easy to you. That's great, go to your trusted advisors but please remember that the only answer for you comes from within. If, like me, you're more of a loner and find it harder to ask for help, see this as a test in itself, reach out to those who are offering support, or find a healer to hold space for you. But whoever you are, remember the most knowledgeable elders who are always around us and available to us are our family of light, our star brothers and sisters, all of our beautiful relations we share this planet with, Great spirit, Mother Earth. - ask for guidance, ask for help, tune in, listen, and you will receive.

These are just a few musings and experiences that have truly become wisdom to me. I hope they help you too.

One last thing, under each and every challenging situation is a river of pure golden consciousness that when tapped into can be weaved by you as a conscious creator. Use your abundant abilities as the true Soul Light that you are, allow yourself to be carried on the waves but remember to do so from your centre. You will eventually bring your destiny to you.

With love,

Gemma x

picture credit: Lori Felix

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