The more you come to know yourself, the more You learn to love yourself.
The more you come to love yourself, the more you learn to respect yourself.
The more you come to respect yourself, the more you learn to forgive yourself.
The more you have forgiven yourself, the more you have become free.
Within the freedom that you have gifted yourself you have found the spiral dance.
You danced and spiralled and found joy in loving yourself more.
As you danced and spiralled, truth, wisdom, love, and purity sparked from the trail you made.
The trail you leave for yourself the next time you spiral round.
The wisdom you have learned on this journey is that you answer only to yourself; to your heart.
Now you measure yourself against your own judgement and your own justice, for if you are true to yourself your radiance is pure.
With love,
Gemma x
1-1 Healing & Guidance - book here
Private Cacao Ceremonies - book here