Welcome to the New phase of our Collective Awakening.
We are quickening, we are opening and we are birthing the New.
We have awoken to a new level of awareness amidst the chaos and destruction that many have witnessed on the surface level, below there has been a deep and dark rumbling - a call towards the yearning for what we know in our Hearts is our true way of Being - within ourselves and upon our planet.
Dragon energy is prevalent at this time. I firmly believe that what one feels and has an urge to speak about signals that many are also experiencing the same and so in my trust in this belief I share with you what I have been feeling, seeing, experiencing.
In my recent newsletter I shared a guided visualisation that I read from the book The Union of Isis & Thoth by Nicki Skully and Normandi Ellis. The visualisation is a version of a very similar experience I had where the Neteru Wadjet spoke to me and asked me to allow her to move through me. I did so and felt a surge of energy rise up from the Earth and wind and spiral up my spine. Wadjet then told me to see through her eyes and I felt her energy place itself upon my "inner eyes" she told me I would be protected if I viewed the world as her.
This vision came months ago when I was moving through my own chaotic changes - home, family and myself - the grieving process has been on of the most powerful experiences of my life but I had to honour my needs (body & Soul) and withdraw, over and over again. Wadjet's vision and presence stirred something within me that sat and waited until the Divinely timed moment.
I also believe that we are all activators and awakener's. I often see our energy fields filled with tiny padlocks and tiny keys - this happens most within a circle or ceremony and its meaning to me is that we all hold codes that can help one another. Sometimes those codes are exchanged within Sacred spaces such as Ceremonies and Circles, but also there are many energetic exchanges that take place through the inner work that we each individually do - Never underestimate your contribution to our Ascension/Remembrance process. Each shift you make within your energy field as you work to Align yourself with your more truer/whole/higher frequencies will bring the keys and padlocks within many fields together and open them to new codes and pathways.
Wadjet has returned to me, speaking and showing me the ways in which I must now move in the world, walking softly on the Earth like the serpent does, belly upon the Earth, feeling the softness and rumblings of what is Ready to Rise - from the Earth and from within Us.
Wadjet is the ancestor of Uranus - they share the qualities of bringing quick change and transformation. A point of no return. Many of us have been longing for such change have we not?
In her celestial form as Uranus she stations retrograde at this time, a day before Pluto moves back into Capricorn for one final rest before moving and staying in Aquarius.
This combination of energies is electrifying. Wadjet as the Great Awakener rumbling big change and transformation as Pluto whose neteru Energy is of Osiris bringing Shamanic Death~Rebirth - another signal of change and a point of no return.
The energy that comes after, is Ptah (Aquarius). When these two Beings begin to move again they support the energy of Dreaming a New World into Being. What we have all been doing for a great many years.
Expect to see the Peaceful world we desire showing itself, it may not appear in a way where the clouds open and a sparkly gold fairy walks in and waves a wand, but it is here. It is within us, rumbling deep in our belly's ready to birth.
Work with Wadjet, show her your desires and see them through her eyes. Then offer all that no longer serves us to Osiris for him to take deep into the earth for recycling. What remains are the dreams we can offer to Ptah, the one who speaks the world into Being.
The Neteru are my way of interpreting nature - the most ancient energies that have moved throughout time made manifest into Beings that we can feel and absorb from. If the names are lost on you, feel the energy that I weave into this post as the Neteru move through me.
Within the link are some tools that will help you over the coming times:
Picture credit: unknown
With love,
Gemma x