In 2019 I set up a wellbeing morning - I was keen and eager to bring Esoteric Healing to the world and following spiritual guidance I set up the mornings. We had a guest speaker each week and offered energy healing sessions afterwards. The morning was run on a donation basis and within a short time the mornings became very popular.
Unfortunately in 2020 the mornings had to come to an end and it hasn't been until now that I have noticed how much I miss holding space for others in that way.
I was guided earlier this year to take the guest speaker part of the mornings online, but my ego had assisted me in misinterpreting this guidance - by this I mean that our ego plays a very protective role at times, it is the part of us that seeks comfort and safety so can sometimes skew our perceptions.
The real guidance was revealed in a very special way; the 8/8 portal was when I received the message, I asked the beings guiding me to show me when I should start these videos and they led me to October 1st. I planned the talks for as close to this date as fitted my work schedule and planned the talks to begin on 6th October. As you all now know, this did not materialise and this is when I realised that I had misinterpreted the guidance. Feeling a little insecure about this I sat in personal ceremony with IxCacao and pondered on my current role and position. As I connected with the plant medicine and began channelling I was filled with a strong urge to speak. I followed the guidance and pushed through a comfort barrier and turn my camera on whilst I began to speak. Then with the support and power of cacao inside me I could'nt stop speaking and I recorded 4 videos. Feeling very excited by this I uploaded some of them to youtube and felt very happy about the barrier I had pushed.
What happened next gave me goosebumps! Later that day whilst getting my daughter ready for bedtime I picked up my phone to check the time and realised that the date was 1st October....the date that the guides had told me was when I should start making videos. The penny dropped, The videos weren't ever meant to be interviews - everything that had played out had done so exactly as it needed to because if I hadn't of been conviced by my ego that I must interview people instead of speaking myself there is no way I would have confidently made any videos!
This had instilled a little bit more confidence in me and really got me thinking about how much I miss the energy and connection of the wellbeing mornings, the guest speakers were wonderful but holding space for others, offering a space for them to come together and to support each other and enjoy themselves was like food for the soul and somehow the small journey of making videos had lead me to realise this. Spirit really does work in mysterious ways, and when we make the connections and see the path we have just travelled it can be so joyfully fulfilling, (or maybe thats just me?)
So to fulfill the other half of the mornings - the real connection between people I am very happy to announce that I will be holding regular in person and online healing circles. These will be set with intention of coming together to create a sacred healing space where we can learn together and support each other. There will be sharing and listening, meditation and visualisation and much more.
You can find out more about the circles on the Healing Circles page on the website. The link is here....
I look forward to sharing these sacred and special creations with you, the magic of circle, of likeminded souls coming together is heart opening. It is uplifting and inspiring.
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Gemma xx