Cacao Ceremony
Ceremonial Cacao has the ability to know exactly what you need. Known most powerfully as a heart opener, cacao works to support and assist you as you seek within your heart to heal, grow and embody your wholeness.
Working with Ceremonial Cacao in a safe and supported setting such as this ceremony is a gentle, yet powerful spiritual experience and adds another dimension to your personal and spiritual growth.
Shamanic Journeying to meet the Spirit of Cacao is deeply meditative & healing, you will connect with the Oneness within us all and expand your Heart Light.
How Your Ceremony will take place:
Within this ceremony we will first discuss what you wish to ask the spirit of cacao for assistance and set an intention. We will then begin the ceremony by connecting with cacao and drinking the cacao elixir I have prepared for you. I will guide you within your heart by channeling a personal visualisation for you followed by a shamanic sound Journey where you will receive and meet the Spirit of Cacao and her personal medicine for you.
What Your Session will Include:
Discussion of what is going on for you at this time and what you feel your cacao & shamanic journeying ceremony can help you with.
Intuitive guidance and support throughout your ceremony.
Ceremonial Cacao Elixir.
Guided Visualisation & Shamanic Journey to meet the Spirit of Cacao.
Your session may also include some or all of:
Shamanic & Intuitive Energy Healing
Oracle card reading
Channelling & Guidance
Sacred Shamanic Tools & Practices
If you have any questions about ceremonial cacao, please feel free to email me before booking.
You can learn more about ceremonial cacao here...​
Energy Exchange
From You:
Dedication to your Personal Growth & Expansion
From Me:
90 Minute Guided Ceremony
Follow up email communication if needed.
When you click the Schedule button below you will be taken to a form to fill in. Once you submit the form you will receive an email from me to schedule your session. ​​​